Friday, February 17, 2006

The Disease and The Treatement

In Marathi, we have a saying which translates roughly into “Treatment being worse than the disease”. Well, here goes…

In physiology class (I am taking more and more medical classes), discussion was about the effects of drinking excessive water. The professor told about what are the effects of drinking excessive water are (didn’t know you could die drinking water). Then she asks what treatment should be given to the person. After one or two logical answers, a student calls from the back of the class, “Give him cholera.”

I mean, cholera removes water from your body, but then, as the prof summarized succinctly, “You are evil.”

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It's difficult...

I never thought I would end up saying this (and my friends would agree), but has anybody given a thought how difficult it is to go to a class at 8.30 in the morning?

I mean, when the external temperature is -3 (Celsius, not Fahrenheit), do the people who prepare the schedules know how impossible it is to just get out of the (warm) bed, let alone walk to school? Is this torture or what?

On a totally separate note, I was saved today. We had to present different parts of a (mini) project, and after looking at the presentation, I came to know that I had totally misunderstood (and mis-programmed) one of the parts. I am now thanking the God that I got a different topic to present.

And, being last to present is a big help. The only thing left for me to do was point out the difference (only 1) in the values used in algorithm, and show the graphs. As I said, “Everything else is same as told before” :)

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