Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Spring break over, and two projects due in a month. Enjoyed two days of srping break (out of 10), and now back to school and classes.

There, that's my whole status here.

Learnt about a new taste yesterday, called Umami (not Unagi). Wonder how come I haven't experienced it yet? Oh well, it seems not all people can taste the taste.

And for all people who think 75 min lecture is long, stay away from this.

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Days to go before I sleep

Or at least, I rest without anything due next day.

Just finished two exams, one on Monday, the other half an hour ago. Hope I haven’t changed the neural anatomy or human physiology so much to make human life on earth impossible (or create a parallel universe like Vishvamitra did).

But the week is not over yet. Got a project to submit on Friday, two papers to read by tomorrow. And to top it all, a 10 min presentation on next Monday on a topic which I have yet to decide.

Oh yes, have to read some papers by next Tuesday.

So, back to work now. Or before that, a good rest for next 4 hours.

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