Saturday, December 17, 2005


Last week, while working in library stack, one of the students suggested that, library stacks would be a great location for a Hollywood ghost story, at least a thriller. I agree. Imagine a BIG hall full of rows and rows and rows (and then some more rows) of books. Imagine 4 floors like that. I mean, it’s a heaven for bibliophile (and believe me, if you believe the accounts, anything goes in stacks), but imagine moving between those silent volumes when you are absolutely alone on the whole floor the size of half a cricket ground. Brrr!!!!

Anyways, that reminded me of Phenomenon #135. Room #135 is the lab where I work on this fantastic machine. Last month, I entered the lab, and was pretty shocked to see all my lab-mates looking at me like I just walked into somebody’s home through window. The reason for their expression? Apparently, for some days before that, the door used to open, without anybody actually entering.

The same day, at 11 in night, me and my roomie went to the building to get some printouts. I was pretty surprised to see the lights in #135 on, but nobody could be seen in the lab (we are pretty particular about the whole “Save electricity” thingy). Well, we started the printouts, and went to other building for some work there. While coming back, we decided to take the side door. We just just came near the door, and POOF, the lights go on! We again ignore this and go back to the printer to finish our work. While coming back, I was curious, and checked again in #135, the lights were off!

Considering that we found no cleaners, in fact nobody else on the whole floor to account for this, I have temporarily named these encounters of strange kind, “Phenomenon #135”.

Unfortunately, further investigation in this was interrupted by my exams coming, and now we are moving to other building…

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Finally, the finals are over.

Fall’05 is over. Overall, it was an eventful (for lack of stronger word) term. Feels good to be back in school, feels bad to be not able to keep the work at home. Anyways, three more to go, and I am sure the next term will be different (better surely).

So, here I am, sitting the coffee house, trying to finish the pending tasks (not school related). Come 20th, I will be on my way to San Jose.

Spring’06 starts on 11th Jan. My class starts on 3rd Jan. So, see you on 4th, school!!!

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

One Down, (minimum) Two more to go

Finally… had last stat class yesterday. Had last imaging class today. Have only 2 classes remaining, one of them a guest lecture.

The term is getting over. But that does not mean the work load is over. Have a project due next Monday (for which the code is not working right now), got exams next Tuesday and Saturday. Yes, that is not a typo! I have exam on Saturday at 2 to 5 p.m. (sob sob)

Hope everything goes fine. Wish me luck guys!

Till that time, its F.R.I.E.N.D.S to rescue.

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