Thursday, November 17, 2005

Of Barrel Rolls and Ethics

One of the students in my class came out with pretty complex question. Call it ethics, call it anything…

Suppose you are flying a executive jet like Embraer or say, Sessna, full of passangers. When you are in the flight, your co-pilot offers you $3 million (or something hefty like that) if you perform a Barrel Roll. Assuming that he is capable of paying the amount decided and he is going to pay you if you win the dare, what would you do? (Remember that the barrel roll in aircraft is not a pleasant sensation to anybody, and you are carrying your employer along with some other people.)
Now suppose you are the employer. Will you fire your pilot after he has subjected you to his fancy maneuver, just for a paltry sum of $3 million?

Class: BME 201 (Electrobio)
Topic: Ethics of Animal Experiments

We are discussing whether there should be different treatment for violators against different animals, say dolphin and dog.

A Student: (in all earnestness) How do you differentiate between a dolphin and a dog?
A Voice from Back: Flippers, dude…

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